outsider artist emigre Jewish Vienna Hampshire sculptures miniature metal constructs animals bone resin bread faces

Friedrich Nagler - Artist

Emigre outsider artist - extremely wide range of materials



Find out about emigre prolific outsider artist Friedrich Nagler (1920 - 2009). Born in Vienna he escaped to England in 1938 and worked with a very wide range of materials, click here to find out more 


His Work

See examples of the artwork in a range of materials, e.g. wood, wrought iron, small metal constructs, acrylic on board/ perspex/ ceramics, paper, bread, to name but a few - click here



Although he never wanted to exhibit in his life-time, poshumously he has been exhibited at England Galleries, London; Hove Museum, Pallant House, Chichester; Paul Smith shops in London & Tokyo; & Zetter Hotel, London. Click here for more.. 



Hartwig Bischof has reviewed the art work and 'Crowded House' by Timothy Brittain-Catlin has been published in The World of Interiors + exhibition reviews.  Find out more by clicking here
